try to edit the Mii - this should now not be possible. on windows via command 'ipconfig /all').Ĥ. find the first network-adapter on your system (e.g. only the 'owner' of a Mii is able to edit it.Ī change of the network-configuration of the host system results in a change of the MAC-address of dolphin, which again results in the Miis becoming uneditable.Ģ. this system ID seems to get generated via dolphin's MAC-address. Now when a Mii is created via the Mii channel, a system ID is saved with it, defining this system as the 'owner' of the Mii. adding or removing bluetooth-adapters, Wlan-adapters or virtual adapters, installing a VPN- or VM-software, etc. Thus any change of the network-adapters on the host-system can result in a change of dolphin's MAC-address. Dolphin seems to generate it's emulated MAC-address from the first network-adapter of the system it is running on.